A Look At March 2012 In This Blog

It's been a tough month. Work has been busy. Home life the same. Dog nearly died. I sold my dead SAAB on my driveway for parts. Been broke and down for most of the month.
The only thing I have going for me is this blog. It's not my life (maybe), but it gives me life.
So... how did we do for the month of March 2012?
Best month ever! 
All I can say is: Thank-you very much!
So... why so good? 
No... my wife and family did not start reading my writing - that would be too far fetched for any fictional story I might create (and I do when I'm inspired).
Where to start?
Aside from the first three days of March where everything was status quo - 500+ hits a day... the rest of the month suddenly saw this blog getting 700+ hits a day... with eight at +800... and then things went ballistic.
Maybe it had something to do with the one-year anniversary of the Japan disasters? But, I didn't really write too much about that.
I figured it was best left to those who are there to write about it.
I wrote about the news. And had fun doing so - where possible.
Maybe it has something to so with Twitter? But I only got three more followers...
Anyhow... on March 22, the blog hit 903. I thought it was because I wrote about how The Hunger Games had similarities to an older Japanese movie called Battle Royale... and while I was right about the blog's popularity, it was actually for an older blog where I just did a movie review on Battle Royale. Cool!
Then the next day we went up to 1,110  - again, a Battle Royale hang-over, I supposed.
Then it went down to 'normal' 800+ on the 24th.
It's the weekend, I supposed. People have better things to do than to read what I have wrought.
But Sunday the 25th showed me I was wrong (again), as we pulled in 1,127 hits. 
Could I finally be happy with this blog? People like it! They really like it!
March 26th: 1,249.
March 27th: 1,266.
March 28th: 1,171
March 29th: 1,133
March 30th: 1,146
March 31st: down to 841 (Saturday!)

Basically, I'm getting about 600 to 700 more hits per day (excluding Saturdays!). That's bloody awesome considering I entered the month at a total of 500 hits a day.

All of this means that this blog had a grand total of 26,802 hits - shattering the old record of 20,292 (which was an aberration thanks to my Miss Universe blog going for 11,000 hits back in last September).
Anyhow... this past February this blog had an awesome 17,464 hits. But in March, we shattered it by 9,338, which was more than I had for the entire month of November 2011!
Am I happy with this blog? Despite what I have said in the past - even if I get one hit - at least it means I have entertained or informed at least one person - and that makes me happy.
As such - nearly 27,000 hits?! I'm ecstatic.
But can it continue in April? Crappy blogs like this one won't help - but like always, keep checking in for twice daily blogs on who knows whatever strikes my fancy at that moment!

Thanks for hitting on me. It makes me wanted.
Andrew Joseph

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